
Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Walk

After a lengthy argument in my head on whether I should bother with a walk today (you know it could rain), the better portion of my brain won, on went the tennis shoes and out the door I went.  I compromised by telling myself that I should only do a 1 mile walk because if I went any further I may get drenched.  Yes, I know I'm not sugar.  Although I tried talking myself out of it I'm so glad that I went.  Have you ever taken an action, and your mind followed?  It was the perfect temperature for a stroll, and it was just what I needed. 

I enjoy the peace and quiet of the outdoors, as well as, I've come to find myself intrigued by the flower garden of the neighbor down the street.  It seems like she is constantly adding or moving flowers or decorations in her yard.  It is beautiful, and reminds me a lot of my grandma and grandpa.  We also have a pond in our neighborhood that is the home to several flocks of geese.  They've had babies in the past couple of months that are adorable with their half-grown feathers.  As I'm dodging the land mines left on the bike path along this pond, Daddy gives me the eye to imply that I had better not come any closer.  I look away as if I don't want to start any trouble, and I continue walking as quickly as possible on down the way.  This reminds me of a story of when I lived on a farm.

My brother was a young little guy barely able to walk when we lived on a farm.  He enjoyed helping our dad feed the animals.  We had chickens, rabbits, geese, sheep, quail, hogs and one cow.  My brother at this young age didn't understand that we were to get the chicken eggs out of the coup not the geese eggs.  Needless to say, I still vividly recall him holding a goose egg in his hands while attempting to take it to my dad when momma or daddy goose grabbed a hold of his diaper and started hissing and snapping at his little bottom.  My frightened brother took off for the entry out of the fence, and shortly thereafter he was rescued from our dad.  I can't recall if he learned his lesson, but I know this memory has always stuck with me and I don't mess with geese even to this day.

My walk continued with focusing on the Oriole birds, green grass and flowers.  By the time I arrived home the sun had started to peek and it was looking to be a beautiful day.  I'm grateful that I didn't talk myself out of going for this walk.  As I sit here and write this post I think about all of the fun and loving family memories this one walk brought to me.  I also think about all of the reasons I can find to not do something if I truly don't want to do it.  Not enough time, no energy, not feeling well, it's raining has been a good excuse lately.  However, if I take the positive action in my life my mind follows, and I feel so much better. 

Much gratitude,


  1. For those of you who want to post a comment on Angie’s blog, I just figured it out myself. After you have typed your message, click on the pull down arrow after “Comment as:” and click on “Name/URL.” Type your name under “Name”, and you don’t need to fill in a URL unless you want to. Then click continue and then click preview. That should take you to preview your message, and at the bottom of your message should be a random word you have to type in the blank box below for word verification to ensure you are not spam. :-) Then click Post Comment and you’re done! Thanks everyone for your patience!

  2. Ang, I love how you describe your walk and how much you enjoy it. I started walking and biking this week and I find it gives me time to pray for others and helps me to appreciate the beautiful sky and clouds and everything!
